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- Program ModeList;
- {
- PCQ-Version des Picasso96-Demoprogrammes
- in Pascal übersetzt von Andreas Neumann
- }
- { ***********************************************************************
- * This is example shows how to use p96AllocModeListTagList()
- *
- * tabt (Sat Dec 28 03:44:35 1996)
- *********************************************************************** }
- {$I "Include:exec/memory.i" }
- {$I "Include:exec/libraries.i" }
- {$I "Include:dos/RDArgs.i" }
- {$I "Include:libraries/dosextens.i" }
- {$I "Include:utils/stringlib.i" }
- {$I "Include:p96/Picasso96.i" }
- Const
- template : String = "Width=W/N,Height=H/N,Depth=D/N";
- vecarray : Array[0..2] of Address = (Nil, Nil, Nil);
- Var
- ml : ListPtr;
- width,
- height,
- depth : Integer;
- rda : RDArgsPtr;
- ptags : Array [0..32] Of TagItem;
- mn : ^P96Mode;
- Begin
- P96Base:=OpenLibrary (P96Name,2);
- IF P96Base<>NIL Then
- Begin
- width:=640;
- height:=480;
- depth:=8;
- rda:=ReadArgs (template,Adr(vecarray),Nil);
- If rda<>Nil Then
- Begin
- If vecarray[0]<>NIL then CopyMem(vecarray[0],adr(width),4);
- If vecarray[1]<>NIL then CopyMem(vecarray[1],adr(height),4);
- If vecarray[2]<>NIL then CopyMem(vecarray[2],adr(depth),4);
- FreeArgs(rda);
- End;
- ptags[0].ti_Tag:=P96MA_MinWidth;
- ptags[0].ti_Data:=width;
- ptags[1].ti_Tag:=P96MA_MinHeight;
- ptags[1].ti_Data:=height;
- ptags[2].ti_Tag:=P96MA_MinDepth;
- ptags[2].ti_Data:=depth;
- ptags[3].ti_Tag:=TAG_DONE;
- ml:=p96AllocModeListTagList (Adr(ptags));
- If ml<>Nil Then
- Begin
- mn:=Address(ml^.lh_Head);
- If mn<>Nil Then
- Begin
- While mn^.Node.ln_Succ<>Nil Do
- Begin
- Writeln (mn^.Description);
- mn:=Address(mn^.Node.ln_Succ);
- End;
- End;
- p96FreeModeList(ml);
- End
- Else
- Writeln ("Unable to allocate list.");
- CloseLibrary(P96Base);
- End
- Else
- Writeln ("Unable to open Picasso96 library.");
- End.